Recommendations for Follow-on Projects

This section includes recommendations for consideration in planning follow-on projects, whether they use the DIMS Project software products or not, intended to help reduce friction in the software development process. Any group wanting to form a regional information sharing collaboration building on the DIMS software base, or a small open source development project wanting to use the platform for secure software development, will want to consider these suggestions.

During the time of this project, we encountered all of the typical problems that a team would have in the lifecycle of designing, deploying, and maintaining a small-scale (on the order of dozens of server components) distributed system. In order to have isolated development, test, and production systems, the difficulty factor goes up. To perform multiple production deployments and update code over time further increases the difficulty factor. Eventually, the lack of automation becomes a limiting factor at best, or leads to an extremely unstable, fragile, and insecure final product at worst.

The benefit to those who chose to follow our lead will be a faster and smoother journey than we experienced during the DIMS project period of performance. All of the hurdles, mistakes, struggles, and ultimately the many successes and achievements in distributed system engineering were not easily found in the open source community. The DIMS System Requirements v 2.9.0 documents security practices and features that we have attempted to incorporate to the greatest extent possible, in a way that can be improved over time in a modular manner. The system automation and continuous integration/continuous deployment features help in implementing and maintaining a secure system. (Red team application penetration testing will further improve the security of the system through feedback about weaknesses and deficiencies that crept in during development and deployment.)

Focus on System Build Automation

From the first days of the project, the PI constantly told the team to not build things by hand, since that does not scale and cannot be replicated. We didn’t need one hand-built system, we needed multiple systems for development, testing, production, and anyone wanting to use the DIMS system needed to be able to quickly and easily stand up a system. This can only be accomplished using stable and well-documented build automation.

Ansible was chosen early on as what looked like the most promising system build automation tool, so in this sense saying “focus on system build automation” means “focus on mastering Ansible.” Anyone wanting to build on the project’s successes, and avoid some of its challenges, must ensure that all team members involved in development or system administration master using Ansible. That can’t be stressed enough, since any system that is not under Ansible control is at risk of instability and very costly effort to fix or replace should something happen to it. Any host that is fully under Ansible control can be quickly rebuilt, quickly reconfigured, and much more easily debugged and diagnosed.

Rather than use SSH to log into hosts, whenever possible use ansible ad-hoc mode. The ability to invoke modules directly using ansible not only helps learn how the module works, but it also allows very powerful manipulation of any or all hosts in the inventory at once. This makes debugging, configuring, cleaning up, or any other task you need to perform, much easier and more uniform. Avoiding logging into hosts and remotely using the command line shell also helps focus on controlling the configuration and using the automation rather than hand-crafting uncontrolled system changes.

Using ansible-playbook with custom playbooks for complex tasks, or by invoking a master playbook that includes all other playbooks, facilitates performing an action across any or all hosts to keep things better in sync. It documents the steps in a way that they can immediately be performed, rather than documenting in English prose with code blocks that need to be cut/pasted and edited manually to apply them when needed. The friction caused by manual configuration of hosts is one of the biggest impediments to building a complex and scalable system.

Last, but not least, by putting all configuration files under Ansible control from the start enables much easier change management and incremental configuration adjustment with less disruption than with manual system administration. It is far easier to search Git history to figure out what changed, or search a few directory trees to locate where a particular variable is set or configuration file was customized. The ansible_managed line in configuration files on the end systems tells you precisely which file was used by Ansible to create the current file, allowing you to make changes and commit them to the Git repository to maintain history and maintain control. Editing a file on the end host and introducing an error, or accidentally deleting the file, make recovery difficult, while reliably re-applying a role is simple and easy.

Standardize Operating Systems

As much as possible, standardize on a small and manageable number of base operating systems and versions, and strive to keep up with the most recent release (and perhaps one previous release) to avoid supporting too many disparate features and one-off workarounds. Every major or minor version difference (e.g., 12.04.4 vs. 14.04.4 for Ubuntu Linux) or distribution difference (e.g., Fedora vs. RedHat Enterprise Linux vs. CentOS) can have implications for computability of sub-components, be they programs, libraries, or add-ons and utilities.

While this recommendation sounds simple, it is not. This task is made difficult by the choices of supported base operating system(s) made by each of the open source security tools you want to integrate. Great care needs to be taken in making the decisions of which operating systems to support, balanced with available expertise in the team for dealing with required debugging and configuration management tasks.

Using a configuration management program like Ansible helps by expressing installation steps using different Ansible modules or plays, though it does require engineering discipline to deal with complexity (above and beyond what a Bash script would entail, for example) and to ensure the right plays work the right way on the right operating system. This could mean maintaining a large set of group variables (one for each alternative operating system), using variables in inclusion directives to select from those alternatives, and/or using “Ansible facts” derived at run time with logic (e.g., when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" as a conditional in a playbook) Developing Ansible playbooks in a modular way that can easily accommodate generalized support for multiple operating systems (e.g., using a “plug-in” style model) is a more sophisticated way of writing playbooks that requires a greater level of expertise of those writing the playbooks. Such expertise, or institutional support for employee training to achieve it, are not always available.

Standardize on Virtual Machine Hypervisor

Attempting to use different hypervisors on different operating systems vastly increases the friction in moving virtual machine resources from host to host, from network to network, and from manual to automated creation. While it is often possible to export a VM image, convert it to another format, and import that VM back into another hypervisor, these steps require additional planning, time and effort, and data transfer and storage resources that add friction to the development process.

Start with a preferred hypervisor to support and take the time to migrate legacy virtual machines to that preferred hypervisor, rather than attempting to support part of the system with one hypervisor and the rest with another. If it becomes necessary to support additional hypervisors, require replication of the entire system of systems in a separate deployment (i.e., fully independent, not sharing any resources in a way that couples the heterogeneous systems) to ensure that tests can be performed to validate that all software works identically using the alternate hypervisor.

The vncserver role [1] was created to make it easier to remotely manage long-running virtual machines using a GUI hypervisor control program. Using CLI tools is also necessary, however, to more easily script operations so they can be parallelized using Ansible ad-hoc mode, or scheduled with cron or other background service managers.


Manage Static Config Files Differently than User-controlled Files

Managing files in /etc is different than $USER/.gitconfig. Let users customize things, and add (merge) group content rather than wholesale replacing files based on templates. Blindly installing configuration files is not idempotent, and causes regression problems for users when an Ansible playbook or role wipes out changes a user has made and takes the configuration file back to an initial state.

There are several ways to do this, some more complicated than others. One of the easiest ways is to start with a generic file that has very little need for customization and will run on all systems, which in turn uses a drop-in inclusion mechanism to in turn support inclusion of two types of files:

  1. Adding operating-system specific additions that are selected by some variable, such as output of uname -s as a component of the file name, or:
  2. Allowing users to control their own customizations by including a file with some string like local in its name.
  3. Supporting the ability for users to place their account configuration files in a personal Git repository that can be cloned and pulled to development systems so as to make the configurations consistent across hosts.

Robust, Flexible, and Replicable Build Environment

Some of the DIMS tools were initially prototyped using the Unix make utility and Makefile rules files. The make utility is nice in that it supports dependency chaining. Things don’t need to be rebuilt if the constituent files used to build them have not changed. This works great for source code, since programs are all static files (e.g., .c and .h files for C programs) that can easily have timestamps checked to see if they require recompiling to create new libraries or executable files. It is a little more difficult when a script is produced from a template, which is produced from a complex set of inventory files, host variable files, group variable files, and command line variable definitions as is supported by Ansible. In that case, the Makefile model is harder to use, especially for those who are not experts in how make works and may not have the skills required to efficiently debug it with remake or other low-level process tracing tools.

Tools like Jenkins or Rundeck provide a similar kind of dependency chaining mechanism which may be preferable to make, provided that programmers carefully use variables and templating to produce the build jobs such that they can be deployed to development, testing, staging, and production environments without having to manually change hard-coded paths, etc. This level of generality may be difficult to set up, but is necessary to be able to scale and replicate the build environment. This may sound like a “nice to have” thing, but when cloning the system for deployment requires manually copying build artifacts out of the one-and-only development build server, manually setting up a mechanism allowing virtual machines to access the files, and manually keeping it up to date as things change, the “must have” nature makes itself painfully obvious.

Avoid Painting Yourself into a Corner with Versions

From the start, build everything to support at least two operating system release versions (the current release and one release back, or N and N-1) and try to move as quickly as possible to the current release to avoid getting locked in to older systems. This process is made easier if everyone writing scripts and configuration files follows a “no hard-coded values” rule for things like version numbers, hashes of distribution media for integrity checking, file names of ISO installation disk images, etc.

If all of the required attributes of an operating system release (e.g., version major and minor number, CPU architecture type, ISO download URL, SHA256 hash of ISO, etc.) were referenced with variables and those variables used consistently throughout the OS build and Ansible deployment and configuration process, alternating between the two is a simple matter of alternating between two sets of variable definitions. This is where dictionaries (also known as “maps”) come in handy, allowing a single key (e.g., “ubuntu-14.04.5”) to serve as an index to obtain all of the constituent variables in a consistent way. If the Packer build process, the Kickstart install process, and the Ansible playbooks, all define these attributes in different ways, it becomes very difficult to upgrade versions.

Since operating systems are incrementally improving over time, the build environment must take this into consideration to keep you from getting painted into a metaphorical corner and finding it difficult to get out (without spending a lot of time that should otherwise be directed to more productive tasks). Requiring support for version N and N-1 simultaneously not only provides a mechanism for testing package and configuration updates across versions, but means that it will be much simpler when version N+1 is released to upgrade, test and plan a system-wide migration to the new OS release.

Similarly, source code and system configuration (e.g., Ansible playbooks) should also support versioning. An example of how to do this is found in the GitHub source repository for openstack/python-openstackclient. The source code for (starting at line 24 in, and highlighted in the following excerpted code block) shows how this is done by defining the DEFAULT_API_VERSION (which can be changed via the --os_identity_api_version command line option), and mappings of the option strings to directory names found in the directory of openstack/python-openstackclient and to module names.

Listing 3 Excerpt of showing version support
 API_VERSION_OPTION = 'os_identity_api_version'
 API_NAME = 'identity'
     '2.0': 'openstackclient.identity.client.IdentityClientv2',
     '2': 'openstackclient.identity.client.IdentityClientv2',
     '3': 'keystoneclient.v3.client.Client',

 # Translate our API version to auth plugin version prefix
     '2.0': 'v2',
     '2': 'v2',
     '3': 'v3',

Of course this requires greater engineering discipline when programming, but had this technique been known and used from the start of the project it would have resulted in a much more organized and structured source directory tree that can support deprecation of old code, transition and migration to new versions, as well as clean deletion of obsolete code when the time comes. Using this mechanism of uniformly handling version support is much more modular than using conditional constructs within programs, or mixing old and new files in a single directory without any clear way to delineate or separate these files.

Budget for System Maintenance

To paraphrase a joke in the programming world: “You have a problem. You decide to solve your problem using free and open source software tools and operating systems. Now you have two problems.” Sure, its a joke, but that makes it no less true.

Trying to compose a system using open source parts that are constantly changing requires constantly dealing with testing upgrades, updating version numbers in Ansible playbook files, applying patches, debugging regression problems, debugging version inconsistencies between systems, and updating documentation. The more software subsystems and packages that are used, the greater the frequency of changes that must be dealt with. Assume that somewhere between 25% to 50% of the project working time will be spent dealing with these issues.

The automation provided by Ansible, and the integration of unit and system tests (see Testing System Components) helps immensely with identifying what may be misconfigured, broken, or missing. Be disciplined about adding new tests. Regularly running tests saves time in the long run. Make sure that all team members learn to use these tools, as well as spend time learning debugging techniques (see Debugging with Ansible and Vagrant).


To avoid the issues described in Section Testing, follow-on projects are strongly advised to use these same MIL-STD-498 documents (leveraging the Sphinx version of the templates used by the DIMS Project, listed in Section Software Products and Documentation) and the simpler BATS mechanism to write tests to produce machine-parsable output.

We found that when BATS tests were added to Ansible playbooks, and executed using the test.runner script after provisioning Vagrant virtual machines, it was very easy to identify bugs and problems in provisioning scripts. Friction in the development process was significantly reduced as a result. This same mechanism can be extended to support the system-wide test and reporting process. (See Section Testing and Test Automation).