Needed Enhancements

Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Terre des Hommes (1939)

There are several areas in the DIMS development architecture that are more complex than is desirable, where things are difficult to use and bugs often get in the way. As the quote above attests, it is a challenge to make things simple, elegant, and robust. Given limited resources, time deadlines, and pressures to get things working, some components of the DIMS project have attained the success of a prototype and are now in need of reimplementation as a cleaner, tighter, next major version. This section describes some of those components and thoughts on what to do next.

Packer and Vagrant Workflow Process

When the DIMS project began, and the team first began to work with multiple Linux distributions (to follow guidance of each open source tool producer’s specified supported platform requirements), the decision was made to use Packer for creating virtual machine images from distribution disk image files (colloquially known as ISOs, short for ISO 9660 format read-only boot images.).

To facilitate applying generic configuration settings and package choices to multiple Linux distribution boot images, some helper Makefile rules files were created, allowing the dependency chain to be defined such that Unix make can then optimize the production of products. You don’t want to have to perform every step in a lengthy process (that involves downloading over a Gigabyte of package files) every time you want to create a new Vagrant virtual machine.

This process pipeline eventually included a Jenkins server that would trigger ansible-playbook execution to implement a complete continuous integration/continuous deployment environment. This process looked like that depicted in Figure Packer/Vagrant Workflow.

Packer/Vagrant Workflow

Fig. 8 Packer/Vagrant Workflow

The options at the time were to use something like Chef, Puppet, Heat, or Terraform. The choice had been made to use Ansible for system configuration automation, which the team did not see as being compatible with Chef and Puppet, and programs like Heat and Terraform were designed for much more larger and more complicated multi-region cloud service deployments. We wanted DIMS deployments to fit in a single server rack using a small external network footprint, since the PRISEM project on which DIMS was to be built was built that way.

In September of 2015, well into the DIMS project, Hashicorp came out with “otto” and “nomad”. [1] These looked promising, but were immature and looked costly to implement. In August 2016, Hashicorp announced they were decommissioning and abandoning “otto”. [2] There is still a need for a tool like this, but we continued to use the tools we had developed despite their limitations. Continued simplification of these tools and integration with Ansible through use of the inventory and templating scripts, Packer .json files, and Vagrantfile configuration files would help smooth things out.

In the long term, a solution that falls within the gap between a single server rack with custom Makefile and scripts and something as complex as OpenStack or AWS CloudFormation is desired. This could be Packer and Terraform with custom provisioners. Experiments using Packer to create Amazon instances was successfully performed and a prototype of Terraform to provision Digital Ocean droplets has been initiated and is anticipated to be completed after the project is completed for use in subsequent follow on projects using the DIMS software products.)

Normalization of Kickstart

Along with a standardized and simplified virtual machine instance build process, a related simplified bare-metal boot capability is needed for more efficient deployment of servers. Debian has a mechanism known as Kickstart that allows pre-configuration of steps needed to perform an unattended (“hands-off”) installation of the operating system at boot time. This mechanism is used in DIMS as part of the Packer workflow, and as part of the customized USB thumb drive installer. It can also be made to work by Virtualbox (or other hypervisors, for that matter) directly.

  • The Packer workflow uses inline commands to perform some initial system setup steps necessary to then use Ansible for the remainder of the system configuration.
  • The Vagrant workflow for Ubuntu and Debian uses some inline commands in the Vagrantfile for pre-Ansible customization, and some external scripts.
  • The Virtualbox Box file preparation for CoreOS uses external scripts to prepare CoreOS for Ansible, and other Vagrantfile inline commands for boot-time customization.
  • The automated USB installer workflow uses the Kickstart pressed.cfg file for what preparatory steps Kickstart is capable of performing, and a secondary pre-boot customization script that is downloaded and executed at install time for other pre-Ansible customization.
  • Manual creation of virtual machine guests or baremetal systems using the default Ubuntu or Debian installer (without using Kickstart) requires manual steps be performed to prepare the system for Ansible control.

The problem is, each of these workflows was created by separate team members at different times, much of this without coordination or integration. Multiple attempts were made to task team members with identifying all of the above and reducing or refactoring the steps into a coherent and consistent set of commonly-used scripts resulted. This resulted in some degree of simplification and integration, but there is much work remaining to be done here.

Rather than having multiple incompatible inline shell mechanisms (which are the easiest to implement, but least compatible means of accomplishing the same tasks), a cleaner way to handle this situation is to reduce the steps required in preseed steps to the bare minimum necessary to enable external Ansible control. Then these simpler pressed steps can be included as necessary by each tool during Kickstart or the install-time tasks can be performed in Bash shell scripts that can be called by each tool. This makes all of the install-time steps consistent, configurable using Ansible, and shared across tools. The remaining steps can then be turned into Ansible playbooks that can be applied post-boot, again in a completely consistent manner.

Configuration Management Database

At the start of the project, a combination of variables stored in files that could be exported through the shell’s environment into scripts, Makefile rules, and Ansible vars files, was used. These mechanisms were not fully integrated and it was difficult to switch between different sets of variables to support multiple simultaneous deployments. For this reason, the team clung to a single deployment for far too long.

In terms of Ansible, the use of the simplistic and limited INI style inventory, with group and host variable files, was easy to learn, but proved difficult to manage for multiple deployments and for this reason its use held the project back for a long time.

Having multiple deployments was always a project objective, but how to achieve it using free and open source tools was not obvious to the team. It was clear that a configuration management database was needed that supported a more object-oriented “inheritance” style mechanism of defining variables that would more easily accommodate managing multiple simultaneous deployments.

The need here is for a system that behaves something like the way OpenStack supports a CLI for getting and setting variables in concert with a “cloud” configuration file to control high-level storage locations that allow a single interface to operate across multiple configuration databases. Ideally, this database would serve as what is called a “single point of truth” or “single source of truth” about not only hardware in a data center (e.g., servers and network equipment, rack slot allocations, switch ports, VLANs), but also configuration specifics that would drive Ansible playbooks for configuration and templating of scripts that run on the systems. A lot of research was done, but nothing seemed to be a good fit. Commercial tools like Ansible Tower [3] may solve this problem, but that was neither in the project’s budget, nor did that conform with the objective of using only free and open source software tools. Other solutions were similarly focused on enterprise-level deployments and were not suitable for our use.

The tools that seem to exist are all focused on large-scale cloud deployments for massively-scaled, multi-datacenter deployments using a federated model. Trying to add them to the mix would be too costly and divert too much attention from other critical elements of system integration. What is needed by projects like this is a mechanism for many small-scale, single-datacenter deployments that are configured locally, but pull much of their code from the public repositories on GitHub.

The solution that was settled upon in the DIMS project was a combination of most variables being defaulted in roles with a separate “private” directory tree for each deployment that holds customization details in the form of Ansible YAML style inventory files and local customized files and templates that playbooks in the public ansible-dims-playbooks repository use before looking for generic equivalents in the public repository. This allowed the ability to operate multiple deployments in parallel with the public repository with less hassle, though this is still not the ideal solution.

Continued Reimplementation and Integration of Services

Due to some of the issues listed in Section Challenges Encountered, several of the sub-systems in the original development deployment that were never fully under Ansible control and had been hand-configured became unstable and failed. The DIMS dashboard web application, the Tupelo server, the Jenkins server, were all built on older Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and a Linux appliance virtual machine that was one of the first servers installed. As these base operating systems were manually created and managed, and the person who had originally set them up was no longer working on the project, rebuilding them would prove difficult and took lower priority to completion of other tasks. Some of the service, such as the dashboard web app, where also constructed using older Ansible playbooks that did not conform with the newer standards used for later playbooks and would similarly take extra time to be fully brought up to current standards. These tasks were added to Jira tickets, along with rebuilding all of the other central components (e.g., the Jenkins build server that failed when accidentally upgraded to a version with non-backward compatible features).

In the final months of the project, effort was put into re-implementing as many of the original (version 1) deployment services as possible. The RabbitMQ service, Jenkins with Git+SSH and Nginx file service, and Trident portal were all reimplemented and replicated on a new server. The Tupelo, PRISEM RPC services, and Lemon LDAP (for single-signon service) server roles remain to be re-implemented and updated from their original Ansible roles and the hand-crafted Jira system implementations. The DIMS Dashboard, Redis server, and ELK stack Ansible roles (which were all working in prototype form in year 2, prior to moving the project to UW Tacoma) should be easy to port after that, but it is likely that the Javascript Dashboard and Java Tupelo code are now out of date and will require experienced Javascript and Java programmers to bring them up to current coding standards.

Secrets as a Service

In the first year of the project, many secrets (passwords, non-public sensitive sample data, private keys, and SSL/TLS certificates) were committed to source code at worst, or passed around manually. This is neither a secure way to deal with these secrets, nor does it scale well. Ansible Vault and use of a separated private directory were prototyped as mechanisms to deal with the storing of shared secrets, but passwords were not entirely eliminated in favor of a ubiquitous single-signon mechanism. (Single-signon was implemented for Jira, Jenkins, and the DIMS Dashboard server, but no farther.) Trident uses a Javascript Web Token (JWT, pronounced “jot”). LDAP and JWT tokens could be extended, a service like FreeIPA or HashiCorp Vault (both used in the system illustration in Figure OpenCredo core building blocks), or Docker’s built-in secrets management feature (see Introducing Docker Secret Management and Manage sensitive data with Docker secrets) could be used. There are many tradeoffs and service integration issues in this area that make this a non-trivial problem for all open source projects of this scope.

Testing and Test Automation

Section Testing describes effort put in by the PI to automate system-wide testing. This primarily centered on post-processing output of BATS tests and JSON files created using a simple user interface that collected information related to the tests as described in the DIMS Commercialization and Open Source Licensing Plan v 1.7.0. Another team member created scripts in Jira that produced these same JSON files describing the output of manual tests managed using Jira, reducing the amount of effort to perform and report on user interface tests. The final product was a structured set of RST files that could be processed with Sphinx to produce the test report in HTML, PDF, and epub formats. Such test automation decreased effort required to perform test cycles and supported automated production of reports with very little need for manual input.

The larger vision here was to scale test production and reporting by orchestrating the process using Ansible. For example, an Ansible playbook could invoke the test.runner script (see Running Bats Tests Using the DIMS test.runner) on every system, placing output into a known file, which can then be retrieved using the fetch module into a hierarchical directory structure based on the system names. The contents of this directory tree can then be turned into separate RST files and an index.rst file generated that is then rendered using Sphinx.

Further automation of the testing process along these lines would decrease the cost and disruption to regular development efforts, allowing more frequent testing and decreasing the effort spent on resolving failed tests. (This task was on the to-do list, but had to take a lower priority to other more important tasks.)

[3]A couple months before the DIMS project end of period of performance, RedHat released the Ansible Tower product in open source form as the AWX Project. There was no time to fully learn how to use and evaluate this product, though it appears it would be relatively easy to add it to the ansible-dims-playbooks as a role and deploy it along with other system components.